sábado, 22 de outubro de 2016

A superstição da incompetência

"Por fim, o medo da morte libertou-me da superstição da incompetência." 

(A Invenção de Morel, Adolfo Bioy Casares)

quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2016

Teatro do melhor

«Although Cohen was steeped more in the country tradition, he was swept up when he heard Dylan’s “Bringing It All Back Home” and “Highway 61 Revisited.” One afternoon, years later, when the two had become friendly, Dylan called him in Los Angeles and said he wanted to show him a piece of property he’d bought. Dylan did the driving.
“One of his songs came on the radio,” Cohen recalled. “I think it was ‘Just Like a Woman’ or something like that. It came to the bridge of the song, and he said, ‘A lot of eighteen-wheelers crossed that bridge.’ Meaning it was a powerful bridge.”
Dylan went on driving. After a while, he told Cohen that a famous songwriter of the day had told him, “O.K., Bob, you’re Number 1, but I’m Number 2.”
Cohen smiled. “Then Dylan says to me, ‘As far as I’m concerned, Leonard, you’re Number 1. I’m Number Zero.’ Meaning, as I understood it at the time—and I was not ready to dispute it—that his work was beyond measure and my work was pretty good.”» 

(recortado de 'How the Light Gets In', de David Remnick, na New Yorker)

quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2016

Pensar o mundo em tempo real

A partir da próxima semana, estarei na Rádio Renascença a debater o mundo com o Henrique Raposo. Às segundas e quartas, pelas 9.15h.

terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2016

sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2016

Um poema de Roberto Bolaño

De sillas, de atardeceres extra,
de pistolas que acarician
nuestros mejores amigos
está hecha la muerte